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COMMENTS- - 2011 |
December, 2011 - Stupid is as Stupid DoesI have to admit that over the past fifty years, when there was a valid selection to be made, I have voted Republican. That first contrary choice, back in days of youthful indignation, was to help Johnson win so that Goldwater wouldn’t further engage us in doom inspiring Asian adventures; I didn’t want to find myself looking back over my shoulder at a mushroom cloud. Wow. Wasn’t that stupid. (Sic. No question mark required). The tactics used and positions taken by that once robust, elephantine party are today, however, a source of even deeper disappointment. Characterized by self-service and opportunism, the Republican members, in particular, of this dreadful current Congressional session, have accomplished little beyond constructing the partisan alienation that makes dogmatics' hearts sing. Not having the wisdom to deal with the facts of a bleak economic situation for the nation as a whole, many of its members, unskilled at governance, fell back on the simplistic "principles" of the fanatic to block any action but their own. Is this the way a democracy works? Not in theory. Is this a Congress functioning for the people? Hardly. Are we suffering the symptoms of more religious than republican fever? Quite likely. But then most of those who clamor behind the transparent facade of House Speaker Boehner are in office only through momentary design. They are content to inflate their resumes for the high paying corporate/institutional positions they will soon seek, indeed have maneuvered for, following their first and only term. No one should have expected more from them than we have been given. Granted, one could allow begrudged respect for these high minded, these unyielding naifs who persist in declaiming the unique insights of the modestly schooled. Disagreement is healthy. Feeble theater, on the other hand, which thrives on scant wisdom and the use of public adversity for self-advantage, has little to recommend it. When sterilized by distance, as with Italy or Greece, such can be rather entertaining. If your tastes run more to the Grand Guignol, then there is Iraq. The entire Mideast provides more than sufficient macabre drama when T and A are not enough. But the entertainment value of such spectacles falter when they are no longer afar, when we have invested much, lost many and gained little. Despite the palpable unease, the bulk of us raise no protest, are perhaps even yet entertained. It makes for sad commentary on our displaced values, although without surprise since mercantilism has been most assiduously elevated in their stead. Yet make no mistake, there is evidence that the people do know the true origins of the current and future economic tragedy, that it rests on the foundation of decades of policy misdirection. We are not professional observers, but we are not stupid. Ignorant sometimes, yes, but that is curable. Rather it is that politicians have become exceedingly adept at using the most stupid parts of us. Likewise have they devoted massive amounts of funds to hire those skilled at appealing to those most innate and reflexive, rather than reflective portions of our nature. So perhaps some good may come from it all, viz., our awakening. With the Democratic party we have always known we must do combat with the philosophy of a more expensive and a more intrusive government. Like it or not, their principles were clear and those who disagreed, such as myself, had to look elsewhere. Such disagreement, which came from thoughtful consideration, was a bridge, paradoxically, rather than a barrier. Misdirection and authoritarian dogma offer no such compensatory advantage. Those are the evils, not the ideas. It is apparent that now, despite its professions of concern for the people and our future, the actions of the Republican Party show it to have no philosophy that can be believed in, utilized or relied upon. What it seems most intent on professing is not what it actually seeks. This, that the Republican Party stands now for duplicity and misrepresentation, is far more than and far worse than ideological disagreement. The Republican Party has become the party of self-interest, of inward looking opportunism, of "principle" without principles, a polity better suited to a cult or for mass marketing that a force for healthy democratic governance. On a practical note, there is an even more dismal aspect of the budget fights of recent weeks: Representative Boehner is not only a weak straw, bending with the wind, he has shown himself to be an ineffective and ponderously inadequate tactician. He combines the worst of political excess: endless maneuvering, profound willingness to sacrifice his own intellect, such as it may or may not be, to the service of liturgical cant, and the skillful articulation of tired slogans born of manipulated images - all to gain nothing but hoarse accolades and scripted applause. What we have seen in these end of year 2011 machinations, this theater of the abysmal, is more than the result of the colorless posturing of Mr. House Speaker Boehner. It serves also as yet more evidence of the firm grip that self-directed aggrandizement, which engenders not respect but rather only contempt, has on our governmental processes. We, as a nation, are diminished by a "leadership" whose decisions reflect spinal, core brain but certainly not cerebral considerations.
September, 2011 - Let's hear it for the Good Fight“Obama Jobs Plan Faces Uphill Battle,” is as it should. The only jobs congress need insure are their own. They, especially the clueless newbies, need this battle to enhance their heretofore insubstantial resumes for the lush corporate jobs following their brief dalliance with American democracy. It is tradition to parlay public into self service. And instead of spending tax dollars on improving the job situation on the ground here, hasn’t it been shown far better that we provide support to the banks, multinational corporations, and well funded special interests? Loan and corporate reserves are at record levels and this pool of public money is flooding the domestic economy. A money multiplier of 0.2 to 0.4 is not the expected 7-8 to one, but it is a start. Right? Besides, when the financial folks spend their bonuses on vacation homes, European camps for the kiddies and fine wines not yet shipped to China, how could this not but boost the economy? Sure, they invest in government securities at five times the rate available to the average investor. But this, also, is a step in the right direction. We don’t want the Chinese to be the ONLY ones holding our debt. They might not be our friends one day. Think about, do we really need more jobs, anyway?. More helpful greeter and fast food jobs will just make us lazy and fat. Republican internationalism has done a great job of exporting good job opportunities. Our education, scientific prowess, infrastructure, natal health care, medical system in general, actually, rank right up there with a promising third world country. We peaked in the sixties and have declined ever since. Relax. Make the trend your friend. There is an abundance of games and social media with which to pass the time. We really don’t need, you see, more money to spend. Most will just flow to the Far East for more of the short lived junk, baubles and toys that have enabled them to shift their stagnant life style on to us. No. Rather we should say, “Great Job, Congress. Keep up the good fight. Oppose Obama on whatever partisan basis you can conjure. Invoke the wisdom of An Almighty and A Bible, if need be.” Never mind that there are many “almighties” and a library of authoritative, mutually conflicting “bibles” out there. The one certainty about conviction is that it is never wrong, no matter what real world events reveal. |
July, 2011: A few good men might be sufficientIt has been a while, hasn't it? Too much fiction to write. But the midsummer budget fiasco is almost as good as fiction. I can't leave it alone. A journeyman screenwriter would be proud to submit a concept with so many angles and seedy, larger than life buffoons. We need such drama. Comedic drama, to be sure, but with compelling touches of the apocalyptic. It started me thinking about a way to simplify the burdensome business of expounding diverse, mutually contradictory points of view without taking on the additional heavy load of serious thought. Such simplification is, after all, the key modus operandi of mainstream Left v. Right commentary.. There are scant prospects for repairing our dysfunctional congress because we have achieved this nadir by design, unintelligent design as it may be. The foul nature of the current fiscal impasse is exceeded only by its attendant dogmatic posturing. Yet, if you dig, you can unearth an explanatory "back story," something with captivating drama already built in, a narrative that can be put to quick use by sleep deprived PR staffs to project their truths. Their expository work load would be much reduced, you see, if they simply made good use of an already well received dramatic framework, a proven thematic scaffolding that, with suitable adjustments, could serve as the basis for an effective screed. Extreme Right or Left could be equally well served by the right drama, if it were suitably adjusted. Rather than picking a side, and thereby adding more noise to the debate, I, being merely a writer, illustrate the opportunity via the following symmetrical parodies, abbreviated fables conceived, in this instance, from the film "A Few Good Men," with most humble apologies to Rob Reiner. My example shows how anyone can work from the same outline, only needing to modify brief key phrases so as to arrive at that version, that variation of the "truth" that seems closest to conveying a specific agenda. Effectiveness of the presentation is a given, because film critics, or even the Academy, has said so. However, as I will note at the end, there is an added advantage. FOR THE LEFT TO SCATHE THE RIGHT Scene - Journalist facing a prominence seeking
Congressperson -
We live in a world burdened by dependence, and this dependence has to be removed by the righteous. Who is among the righteous? You? Your readers? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for entitlements, and you curse the Fundamentalists. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that economic collapse, while tragic for some, could save us from financial ruination, and my views, while regressively theocratic to you, certainly will save this Republic. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want the righteous -- you need the righteous. We use words like 'faith', 'morality', 'The Constitution'. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent seeking The Better Path. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself now to those who will one day bask in the freedom of the supreme authority that I will reveal to them, yet question the manner in which I would reveal it. I would rather that you just said "Thank you," and went on
your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up copies of The
Constitution and The Bible, and stand with us. Either way, I don't give a DAMN
what you think you're entitled to!
Or, if your inclination is othewises, the same framwork still serves with great effectiveness. FOR THE RIGHT TO PILLORY THE LEFT Scene - Activist facing a prominence seeking Congressperson - We live in a world burdened by ignorance, and this ignorance has to be removed by thoughtful action. Who are the intelligent? You? Your readers? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Intelligent Design, and you curse the cerebrate. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that economic collapse, while tragic for some, could rescue us from dogmatic ignorance, and my existence, while academically dry and incomprehensible to you, certainly will save this Republic. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at church, you want the intelligentsia-- you need the intelligentsia. We use words like 'proof', 'verification', 'hypothesis'. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent striving for useful knowledge. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself now to those who will one day live in the comfort of the very technological largess that I will provide them, yet question the manner in which I would provide it. I would rather that you just said "Thank you," and went on
your way. Otherwise, I suggest you read more than theology and
focus yourself on the real world. Either way, I don't give a DAMN what you
think you're entitled to!
So there you have it. The framework of "A few Good Men" shown to be servicable for multiple points of view. I chose it simply to exemplify how short narrative interludes, those with already proven dramatic impact, can be molded to suit the dogmatic idiocy of either, make that any,wing of our fractured body politic. It is but one example of a host of well crafted cinematic confrontations that are ready to be abstracted and molded by political pundits and thinwits. Just think of the possibilities! "Put your lips together and blow." "I'll be right baack." Or virtually anything by John Wayne or Clint Eastwood.. "Go ahead, punk. Make my day." Fabulous applicability! With a little practice, construction of argument could be dispensed with in toto. No thought whatsoever; merely rote adaptation, will be required. In future just key in "Number 7, Elitist Liberal" or "Number 12, Bible Waving Conservative," and a script segment will be pulled, the flexible words suitably altered, blanks filled in, castigation finished, and emotional impact assured, without having to give any specified issue (Number 7 or Number 12) an instant of serious thought. Like a stand-up comic's shorthand "Joke five. with two jews and a black man," the details will be pulled from memory by the faithful, no conscious intermediation required. General familiarity of the scene or interlude will make even explicit recanting[sic] of the full discourse unnecessary. Wait a minute! I've just realized a major problem with my idea. That's pretty much what is done now! Damn. Another good idea preempted by prior practice.
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